Tag Archives: trips

Today’s Inspiration: Barcelona

Hey ya, just came back from NYE celebrations in Barcelona. Surprisingly enough, it was the first time visiting the city and I was delighted by the weather, the people, the cuisine and the treasures of this gorgeous medieval and gothic city. It is great to walk to one spot to another as well as taking a bike. We toured the old city (Barri Gotic and Ciutat Viella) on a couple of rented bikes. Food is the best part, I think I gained several kgs just eating their Jamón. The language wasn’t an issue at all: I spoke Italian and everyone understood, since Italian is very similar to Catalan.

The beach is really close to the city center – just go there also during winter. it’s amazing!

Catalan flag
Catalan flag

A little bit of history
Barcelona, being part of the region of Catalunya, is proudly exposing Catalan flags everywhere, in front of institutions and on private houses. Just not so long ago, there was a referendum to declare Catalunya independent from Spanish jurisdiction, but it failed.

La Barceloneta & the sea
La Barceloneta & the sea
A weird sand building
Breathtaking view from Bunkers – Turo de la Rovira above Barcelona
Orange trees – we are in a Mediterranean city, obviously!
On the street decorations you’re most likely to find Bon Nadal, which is the Catalan for Feliz Navidad.
Asian tourists staring with their mouths open Casa Batlló, one of the masterpieces of Antoni Gaudì. Ain’t they cute?
Jamón. This is Jamon serrano, the Jamon iberico, which is more typical and expensive, is one of the best thing I’ve ever eaten in 2014.
They even have Instant Paella….just like Instant noodles, right?
You can encounter weirdly designed buildings. in Barcelona, never look down!

What is your experience in Barcelona? Tips and tricks to share?