Tag Archives: chinese

Why overseas Chinese are easy to discriminate (and feel discriminated)

Hey there. From my Chineseness, I’ll try to explain why Chinese people overseas feel they are easy object to discrimination. Oh, a brief remark: I say we but I don’t recognise myself in the descriptions!

  1. We tend to make a mess everywhere we go. Come on people is not that difficult not to fill the airplane with garbage or not to talk loudly in museums or at conferences!
  2. We do luxury shopping but we behave as tuhao. What is tuhao? Is that category of rich people who aren’t educated not polite. They shout at sales assistants. They push other customers. They don’t know how to queue. So on and so forth.
  3. We spit on the ground. No need to explain this.
  4. We want to show off. With luxury items and fake luxury items. No one would see the difference!….ehr, they do.
  5. We are a bunch of followers. One starts and the rest follows.
  6. We believe in everything it’s said on weibo, or we chat, or huarenjie.com. Please reason with your own mind!
  7. We feel we are the victims, always. And we always blame others for our faults. I speak loudly in the store, and it’s discrimination if people stare at me.
  8. We blame everything on discrimination. People, if it’s your fault then IT’S YOUR FAULT! It has nothing to do with discrimination! If I rob a jewellery store and I got arrested, police is not discriminating me cause I’m a Chinese girl! They arrest me cause I’m a criminal Chinese girl!

So, before blaming all on discrimination and excessing in patriotism, try to figure out the reasons. I love my country, I love China, but cannot stand this attitude anymore. We can really do something to fight discrimination, by trying to accept the rules of the country we are living in and by starting to improve ourselves.